var gotoString = "Aktuální mesíc"; var todayString = "Dnes je"; var weekString = "Týd"; var scrollLeftMessage = "Predcházející mesíc."; var scrollRightMessage = "Následující mesíc."; var selectMonthMessage = "Mesíc."; var selectYearMessage = "Rok."; var selectDateMessage = "Vybrat datum: [date]."; var startAt = 1; var monthName = new Array("Leden","Únor","Březen","Duben","Květen","Červen","Červenec","Srpen","Září","Říjen","Listopad","Prosinec"); dayName = new Array ("Po","Út","St","Ct","Pá","So","Ne"); // written by Tan Ling Wee on 2 Dec 2001 // last updated 23 June 2002 // email : var fixedX = -1 // x position (-1 if to appear below control) var fixedY = -1 // y position (-1 if to appear below control) // var startAt = 1 // 0 - sunday ; 1 - monday var showWeekNumber = 0 // 0 - don't show; 1 - show var showToday = 0 // 0 - don't show; 1 - show var imgDir = "../../img/calendar/" // directory for images ... e.g. var imgDir="/img/" var calWidth = 200 // width of calendar window // var gotoString = "This month"; // var todayString = "Today is" // var weekString = "Wk" // var scrollLeftMessage = "Click to scroll to previous month. Hold mouse button to scroll automatically." // var scrollRightMessage = "Click to scroll to next month. Hold mouse button to scroll automatically." // var selectMonthMessage = "Click to select a month." // var selectYearMessage = "Click to select a year." // var selectDateMessage = "Select [date] as date." // do not replace [date], it will be replaced by date. var crossobj, crossMonthObj, crossYearObj, monthSelected, yearSelected, dateSelected, omonthSelected, oyearSelected, odateSelected, monthConstructed, yearConstructed, intervalID1, intervalID2, timeoutID1, timeoutID2, ctlToPlaceValue, ctlNow, dateFormat, nStartingYear var bPageLoaded=false var ie=document.all var dom=document.getElementById var ns4=document.layers var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var firefox = (agt.indexOf("firefox") != -1 ? true : false); var today = new Date() var dateNow = today.getDate() var monthNow = today.getMonth() var yearNow = today.getYear() var imgsrc = new Array("drop1.gif","drop2.gif","left1.gif","left2.gif","right1.gif","right2.gif") var img = new Array() var bShow = false; /* hides and objects (for IE only) */ function showElement( elmID ) { if( ie ) { for( i = 0; i < document.all.tags( elmID ).length; i++ ) { obj = document.all.tags( elmID )[i]; if( !obj || !obj.offsetParent ) { continue; } = ""; } } } function HolidayRec (d, m, y, desc) { this.d = d this.m = m this.y = y this.desc = desc } var HolidaysCounter = 0 var Holidays = new Array() function addHoliday (d, m, y, desc) { Holidays[HolidaysCounter++] = new HolidayRec ( d, m, y, desc ) } if (dom) { for (i=0;i